Monday, May 2, 2016

Planetbase - Gameplan

Second Play-through Gameplan

The Plan

So for my second base, I will be doing things a bit differently. First of all, my base was branching out too far last time, making it difficult for the colonists to navigate quickly. This time I will be building it more around a central 'hub', probably the canteen, biodome, oxygen generator, all three, or a combination of the three. Other than that, I'll just have to play and see how it goes.

The Game

A nice basic start. The usual oxygen generator, airlock, water extractor and solar panel.

Next added a large wind turbine, a power collector, canteen and a biodome.

In the dorm I put two bunks, which allows 4 colonists to sleep at a time. In the biodome I put 4 different plants. I recently found out that colonists can become malnourished if they eat too much of one thing. I also added another two wind turbines and another power collector.

I then added a mine and a processing plant to produce metal and bioplastic. Next is a factory, which I immediately set to make spares, and a sick bay. As you may notice, I only have one power collector. I had to cancel the building since I was low on resources.

Next, I made a landing platform. This is pretty much essential for population growth. I also made a storage for the little bit of resources I had left outside. Here's a picture of my base so far.

I had to add some more components to keep up with population growth and resource demand.

I had to build a water tower just in case the extractor doesn't produce enough in the future. I also built a command center so I could set it to yellow alert in the event of a sandstorm, and more plants in the biodome.

The Results

I did much better than last time, although I still ended up running out of power and resources. Building it around a central 'hub' seemed to help a lot.

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